A new church can be intimidating but we love seeing new faces!

Check out what you can expect below.

Genuine Worship

We believe in a God who is worthy of our worship. From our music and teaching to our fellowship, we want it to be clear that we live in adoration of our God. We don’t go to church to put on a show or out of obligation. Church is a way we can worship our Lord and keep Him as the focus of every week.

Intentional Children's Ministry

Luke 18:16 says, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” This is the goal of our children’s ministry. Our leaders are background checked and we are focused on providing a caring and safe space for our children to learn to love Jesus with all their hearts.

Transformation and Growth

The gospel has the power to transform lives! And the Holy Spirit has the power to help us grow daily. As a church, we want to grow and live in a way that encourages growth in those around us. The beauty of church is living life with others who are pursuing the same thing – being like Jesus – and that allows us to challenge each other and lift each other up through the highs and lows.


What Should I Wear?

People come with a wide array of dress and styles! Be respectful of being around kids in your dress but come comfortable and come as you are. Don’t let anything like clothing keep you from coming to visit! 

When Are Services?

We have one service on Sundays at 10am. We would love it if you came to visit!

Where Do I Bring My Kids?

Our children worship with us for the beginning of the service and then they are dismissed. We have children’s ministry within the same building during the sermon. This is for kids 12 and under. Nursery kids (typically ages 0-5) are downstairs and school aged kids are upstairs.

What do you believe?

We believe in a God who created the world and loves us so much and pursues us. Through Him we have hope and purpose. He holds us to a high standard but holds His hand out to help us. Do you want to know more? Visit the “Our Beliefs” page for a more detailed description.